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Resolute 2.0 & Rave: Industry-First SARS-COV-2 Direct RT-PCR Diagnostic Kit and Complementary Lab Automation System


AMT is pleased to announce that we have received regulatory approval from Singapore Health Sciences Authority to manufacture and supply RESOLUTE 2.0, an industry-first SARS-Cov-2 Direct RT-PCR assay kit, and its complementary RAVE laboratory automation system. 

RESOLUTE 2.0 resolves two key challenges in COVID-19 testing: accuracy and speed. It eliminates the need to extract viral RNA from patient samples, hence saving time, cost and abrogate the risk of RNA extraction kits shortage which is an existing worldwide problem. RAVE automation system aids in ramping up the sample throughput further by eliminating manual UTM sample handling and data entry. This cost-effective system can be seamlessly integrated with existing lab equipment and readily transforms it into a high volume test facility, delivering urgent test results in half the time and twice the speed. 

To support the urgent global fight against COVID-19, AMT constructed one of the largest automated in-vitro diagnostics manufacturing facilities in Southeast Asia within a short-span of 6 weeks. The manufacturing pipeline is operational and is capable of generating more than 2 million tests monthly. 

AMT is honored to partner A*STAR – Agency for Science, Technology and Research, DSO National Laboratories and DxD Hub in the development of a holistic COVID-19 diagnostic solution to meet the worldwide testing demand.

Resolute 2.0 and rave robotic system revolutionalize laboratory testing by delivering test results with 2x speed and 2x higher throughput

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